About Us

About Us2018-12-31T10:07:13+00:00

O our robot-building adventures started May 15, 2018, the start of the summer semester with a full course load. We, four second year Engineering Physics students passionate for innovation, aspired to combine our knowledge to create not one, but two autonomous robots. Although we did not win the competition, we learned many things along the way.

Michael Ko
Michael KoMechanical
“Let’s start with a boss extrude”
Braeden Jury
Braeden JuryMechanical & Software
“Time to cut another chassis”
Tyler Lum
Tyler LumSoftware
“Give the stormtrooper a seatbelt!”
Donney Fan
Donney FanElectrical
“How many fuses have we blown so far?”

Some Statistics


summer school days


meters of wire stripped


hours of work invested




total lines of code


dollars saved by using mostly hardboard chassis


unforgettable experience